In a heartwarming ceremony at the Exchange Club of Michigan City yesterday, our very own Harrison Holtkamp, Executive Director of  Nest Community Shelter, was honored with the prestigious Book of Golden Deeds Award for 2024 by The Michigan City Exchange Club. This recognition celebrated Harrison’s unwavering commitment to serving those experiencing homelessness in LaPorte County and his visionary leadership in transforming Nest into a beacon of hope for those in need.

A Legacy of Compassion and Growth

Harrison’s journey with Nest began as a volunteer with Interfaith Community PADS, then a traveling shelter program. His dedication and vision led him to take on a leadership role, guiding Nest through significant transformations over the past eight years. Under Harrison’s stewardship, Nest has achieved 501(c)(3) status, solidifying its position as a nonprofit organization. Perhaps most notably, Harrison secured a permanent home for Nest in the former Sacred Heart Catholic Church, carefully restoring the historic building to meet the modern needs of a homeless shelter.

One of Harrison’s most impactful decisions was to expand Nest’s services to include women and children, significantly broadening its impact on the community. This expansion has transformed Nest, as it now functions as the only emergency overnight shelter in LaPorte County, filling a critical need and touching countless lives. The growth and development of Nest under Harrison’s guidance stand as a testament to his visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to serving those in need.

Harrison’s impact extends far beyond the walls of Nest, reaching into various corners of the community. For about 15 years, he has been a dedicated volunteer with the Share Foundation near Rolling Prairie. His involvement there began as a volunteer cook for weekend camps, where he would prepare meals for 45-50 people. Always looking for ways to contribute more, Harrison took the initiative to do meal prep work for the entire week, assisting other volunteer cooks and ensuring smooth operations.


What’s truly remarkable is that despite the demanding nature of his role at Nest, Harrison continues his volunteer work at Share Foundation. This dual commitment showcases his extraordinary dedication to community service and his seemingly boundless energy when it comes to helping others.

Harrison’s leadership style is a rare and inspiring blend of compassion, empathy, and hands-on involvement. He’s known for readily filling in during staff shortages, working shoulder to shoulder with volunteers and employees. This approach fosters a collaborative environment where people feel they are working with Harrison, not for him.

One of the most touching aspects of Harrison’s leadership is his insistence on referring to shelter residents as “guests,” a small but significant gesture that emphasizes dignity and respect. Despite his numerous achievements and the positive impact he’s had, Harrison remains incredibly humble. He consistently seeks ways to improve his skills as an executive director, always striving to better serve the community.

Harrison’s dedication to Nest and its mission is evident in his tireless work ethic. He’s known to work seven days a week, often beyond regular hours, attending weekend fundraisers for Nest and actively participating in volunteer activities. For Harrison, this is more than a job—it’s a calling.

The Heart of Nest

Kathleen Kelly, a board member of Nest spoke on Harrison’s behalf, beautifully capturing the essence of his impact: “Harrison’s heart is evident when you walk through the door at Nest. You immediately see all the love shared by all who have a part in this very special place.” She further added, “He has taken a wonderful program and made it even better. Year after year, it has grown. It just makes me so proud to think that what was once a beautiful place of worship is now serving God’s people, continuing to serve God’s people, but just in a different way and a very necessary way.”

Maggie Spartz the executive director of the Unity Foundation spoke of her relationship with Harrison, serving as his mentor, noting that he was an exemplary mentee and set the bar high for those who came after him. Ed Merrion also spoke on Harrison’s behalf, sharing about his early days with Nest which was then IFC PADS. He shared how Harrison went to each of the families of the former Sacred Heart Catholic Parish in Michigan City to seek their blessing to turn the building into a homeless shelter after the parish closed its doors.

The Exchange Club’s recognition of Harrison highlights the significant impact he and Nest have had on Michigan City. Under his leadership, Nest has transformed a vacant church building into a vibrant community resource, providing essential services to the homeless population in LaPorte County. Harrison’s work not only directly helps those in need but also inspires others in the community to get involved and make a difference.

Looking to the Future

While celebrating this well-deserved recognition, Harrison and the Nest team are already looking ahead. As Kathleen beautifully put it: “As far as I’m concerned, while Nest has been very successful, and we are doing so many good things, the best is yet to come. And the same with Harry Holkamp.”

We at Nest are incredibly proud of Harrison’s achievement and grateful for his tireless dedication to our mission. This award not only honors Harrison but also shines a light on the critical work being done at Nest to support and uplift our community’s most vulnerable members.

It’s worth noting that Harrison’s commitment to service is shared by his wife, Amity, who was also recognized during the ceremony. Together, they continue to make a positive impact on the community, embodying the spirit of compassion and service that defines Nest.

Congratulations, Harrison! Your golden deeds continue to inspire us all, and we look forward to the continued growth and impact of Nest under your leadership.