We’d like to introduce you to Bill and Randy, two guests who moved into an apartment of their own last Friday. They are the embodiment of Nest’s vision, a temporary place of refuge where the opportunity to build a lasting support network exists, with guidance and support as guests find their way home. These two gentlemen used their time at Nest to build a solid friendship as well as leverage the time spent at Nest to save for an apartment of their own.
Randy (pictured on the right) has had a difficult time in his life. Disability, divorce, and court-ordered asset liquidation are just a few of the challenges he’s faced in his lifetime. During all of this, he has done his best to keep his chin up and work to move himself forward. His time at Nest allowed him to reorganize his priorities, have a safe space to gather his thoughts and make a functional plan to move forward.
Bill’s (pictured on the left) story is one of relationships. He focused on rebuilding his life and rekindling his relationship with his ailing mother. He began doing odd jobs around the shelter in the hopes of saving enough to buy his mother a Christmas present. We helped Bill find a full-time job at a local factory, and he has been able to save enough while sheltering at Nest to begin looking for an apartment of his own.
The two men connected at Nest, finding a support network in each other. Their goals aligned, and they soon realized that together, if they pooled their resources, the two friends had what they needed for a home of their own. Their friendship has been one of mutual trust and understanding. We feel so blessed to see these two men find common ground and build a friendship to help each other get into their place. The work that they put in has paid off. Together, they not only have made a way into a home of their own, but they’ve also bolstered their support network, which is vital for remaining housed.
Bill and Randy are two of the 20 guests we have guided into housing this first quarter of 2024.
Our “hybrid” shelter system not only helps individuals get off the street but also connects them to other agencies and opportunities to reconnect the broken pieces in life and ultimately help them find housing. They did not do it alone; Nest provided the respite, support, and guidance for them to do the hard work to find their way home.
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