As we wrap up this month of sharing our story through facts and figures, we’re overwhelmed with gratitude for our community’s support and humbled by the growing need we see every day. Our goal is to shed light on the daily operations of Nest Community Shelter so that those following along will gain a greater understanding of the work we do, those we serve, and the immense amount of community support needed to make our shelter work on a daily basis.  Let’s take a moment to recap some of the key insights we’ve shared about Nest and the vital work we do in La Porte County.

The Backbone of Our Operations: Our Volunteers

We’ve always known that our volunteers are the lifeblood of our shelter, but putting numbers to their dedication has been truly eye-opening:

  • We require 20 volunteers each day just for basic operations.
  • In 2023, our amazing volunteers contributed 2,000 hours of their time.
  • From kitchen help to administrative tasks and everything in between, we are so grateful for the community volunteers who step up on a daily basis.
  • We are always in need of volunteers! If you’d like to volunteer or simply get more information about volunteering, sign up here: Volunteer Form

These numbers showcase the community effort required to keep our doors open and our services running smoothly.

Behind the Scenes: The Laundry Marathon

One surprising statistic that resonated with many was the sheer amount of laundry we do:

  • It takes a minimum of 40 hours per week to do all the laundry necessary to provide our guests with clean, comfortable places to rest
  • A small army helps strip beds, wash, dry, and fold all of the bedding needed at our shelter.
  • We have industrial-size washers and dryers to accommodate this need.
  • Each guest gets a complete bedding set each night in the shelter: a sheet, light blanket, heavier blanket, and a pillow with a pillowcase. All of these items must be laundered regularly.

This seemingly simple task is crucial in maintaining dignity and comfort for those we serve.

A Warm Welcome: Our Nightly Check-In Service

We’ve  also explained  how our nightly check-in process works, giving you a glimpse into what happens when guests arrive at our shelter each evening. From a health screening to a sobriety scan, this important step ensures the safety of our staff, volunteers and guests. Our goal in sharing this process is that most will never see the basic operations of how we welcome our guests to their temporary home each night. Evenings are a time of recuperation and healing for our guests, from comradery, to a hot meal, or simply having a volunteer to talk to makes a world of difference in the lives of our unhoused guests.

Feeding Hope: Our Food Partners

We couldn’t do what we do without our incredible food partners. From the local hospital to the Salvation Army and many more, these partnerships make it possible for us to feed our guests. The impact is staggering:

– We served 20,000 meals in 2023
– In July 2024 alone, we provided 1,200 meals
– We served 161 unique guests in July

Looking Ahead: The Growing Need

As we reflect on these numbers, we’re acutely aware that the need in our community is ever-expanding. We expect to surpass our 2023 meal count this year, indicating a growing demand for our services. We cannot do this work alone. Your support is crucial in helping us meet the increasing needs of our community’s most vulnerable members. Whether it’s through volunteering your time or making a financial contribution, every bit helps.

Please consider donating today. Your generosity ensures that we can continue providing shelter, meals, and hope to those who need it most.

Together, we can make a difference, one meal, one load of laundry, one night of shelter at a time.