As you probably know, Interfaith Community Pads is running a Holiday Giving Campaign right now, through the end of December. Our fundraiser will support our operations through the winter months, including heat, utilities, staffing, food, and supplies.
Why is this fundraiser so important to our community? And why should you contribute? Today we would like to share some of the top reasons to give this holiday season.
7 Reasons to Give
1. There is great need in our community.
ICPADS helps homeless men and women in La Porte County, and although you may not realize it, there is great need for these services in our community.
In a Facebook post earlier this month, we shared an infographic on the guests we have had the pleasure of serving in the last 12 months:
- 177 guests total
- 8,072 bed nights
- 16,144 meals served
This represents real people in our community who have benefited from having a safe place to stay and a warm meal to eat when they were experiencing hard times.
The average guest stays with us about 45 days, as our staff also works with them and connects them with services that will help them address the issues they are facing and find permanent housing.
2. The need is ongoing.
The statistics above show a snapshot of the past 12 months, but the reality is that we need help each and every day.
In fact, as you read this, tonight between 2-3 dozen men and women will gather at our shelter.
Our services are even more important right now as we approach the winter months when temperatures drop and the need for warm shelter and food becomes a matter of survival.
However, the shelter runs year-round, and every day we have people in our community who need it.
3. Your money stays local.
There are a lot of worthy causes to donate to during the holiday season (and year-round!) and we understand that it can be hard to choose which ones to support.
So, another reason to give this holiday season to ICPADS is that your money stays local.
Our shelter is located on 8th Street in Michigan City.
Paid staff are members of our community, and the homeless guests we serve are also from Michigan City and the larger La Porte County.
It feels good to give when you know that your money will directly impact those around you.
4. Giving makes you feel good.
You know that wonderful feeling that you experience when you donate your time or money to a cause you care about?
Well it’s not just in your head. Scientific studies show that giving actually does have beneficial outcomes.
- A 2008 study found that giving made people feel happier than spending on themselves.
- Many studies have linked generosity with better health.
- Giving promotes social connection.
- Giving results in gratitude, which is linked to happiness, health, and social bonds.
- Giving is contagious. A study from researchers at UC San Diego and Harvard found that when one person behaves generously, it inspires others to do the same.
Giving feels good and boosts our happiness and health. What wonderful reasons to give this holiday season!
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
5. Donating is simple and convenient.
Our website makes it easy to give a monetary gift. Just head over to this page and then choose a donation amount.
On the following page, you will be prompted to enter your payment details.
All payments are made through PayPal but you do NOT have to have a PayPal account to give – you can donate using a credit card of your choice.
You can also mail your donation to: Interfaith Community PADS, P.O. Box 38 Michigan City, IN 46361.
6. Your donation is tax deductible.
In 2016, Interfaith Community PADS became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
This means that any donation you make is tax deductible, and when you donate, we will be sure to send you a receipt that you can use for tax purposes.
Any donation made through December 31, 2021 can be claimed on the taxes you file in 2022 for the 2021 tax year.
You can learn more about US charitable giving laws here.
7. You can make a difference.
We just want to reiterate that when you give this holiday season, you really do make a difference in our community.
Your generosity has a real impact on the lives of people who rely on our services as they work through the issues that have led to homelessness and get back on track.
John Bunyan, the English writer who wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress, is quoted as saying “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”
Although the recipients of your gift will not be able to repay you, you can know for certain that it made a meaningful impact on their lives when they needed it most.
There are so many more reasons to give this holiday season, but we will stop at seven. If these words have moved you to contribute to our Holiday Giving Campaign, please go here to make a donation, and encourage your friends and family to do the same!